This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

ATLAS Example Workflow

Now that we have learned all these computing skills, we will now apply them to an example workflow. We will learn the basics of analysis from defining our objects to start to make a selection.


This assumes that you’ll have a basic knowledge of git, cmake, for example:

  1. How to add git submodules
  2. How to generate a Makefile from a CMakeLists.txt

This lesson will also build on the AnalysisPayload project started in the previous ATLAS GitLab lesson.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction to ATLAS workflow What process are we looking at?
What is the workflow used for?
00:20 2. Adding object kinematic selection modules How do I prepare a workspace and add two new modules?
00:40 3. Understanding the analysis organization How can I structure my analysis code?
How can I make kinematic selection on our objects?
01:10 4. Integrating submodules How can I integrate my submodules into the analysis code?
What changes to cmake will I need to do to add the new libraries?
01:50 5. Coffee break! How much coffee can you drink in 20 minutes?
Is Peet’s coffee better than Starbuck’s coffee?
Did you make any cookies?
01:50 6. Analysis selection How can I create a simple analysis selection?
02:30 7. Cutflow How do I use all my variables to construct an analysis?
03:00 8. Optional: Using condor How can I run this analysis on condor?
03:30 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.