This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Understanding the analysis organization


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I structure my analysis code?

  • How can I make kinematic selection on our objects?

  • Understand the submodules in the context of developing an analysis framework

Organizing your analysis framework

We have been working with different cxx files during the workshop and they all show how you can modularize your analysis framework. Different physics objects have different requirement and are retrieved differently from the xAOD or DAOD dataset. As a result, many analyses will have different libraries and files to retrieve and calibrate objects.

We usually separate our analysis framework into :

In our example, we have simplifed this a bit. The JetSelectionHelper functions helps apply kinematic requirements on the objects. AnalysisPayload applies the calibration and performs the selection. We will go through both of these in a bit more detail.

Understanding the object selection

Every analysis on ATLAS makes selections based on the objects. Those are limited by object detection and calibrations. For example, if a particle has too low momentum or too high pseudorapidity, it will not detected by the ATLAS detector.

The <object>SelectionHelper folders are there to select basic kinematics about the objects.

Momentum and pseudorapidity requirements

If you open JetSelectionHelper.cxx in JetSelectionHelper/src/, you will see two functions: isJetGood and isJetBFlavor.

The first function checks that the following requirements are satisfied:

if ( jet->pt() > 50000 && fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.5 ){
  passSelect = true;

Note: the pt here is in MeV instead of the unit GeV that is more commonly used.

The next function is to help determine the flavor of the jet by applying b-tagging. The b-quarks hadronize before they decay, resulting in a decay length of ~0.5mm. As a result, specialized tagging algorithms are developed to determine if a jet is a b-jet.

You can learn more about the b-tagging algorithms in the b-tagging subgroup twiki.

In the isJetBFlavor function, we first retrieve the probability of the jet being tagged as a b-jet.


We then apply a selection only this probability to identify the jet as being b-tagged.

  passSelect = true;

The muons and electrons have similar SelectionHelper algorithms but those only contain requirements on the pt and eta. Feel free to take a look at the requirements applied to the electrons and the muons.

Electron eta requirement

Why do we veto electron eta between 1.37 and 1.52?


In the eta range of 1.37 to 1.52 the calorimeter has a transition from the barrrel and the endcap with a lot of inactive material.

Going through the analysis payload

Libraries included

To be able to run through the events in our MC dataset, we need to add different includes. The first are event-level from the ATLAS event data model (EDM). Some are event level: Init.h, TEvent.h, and EventInfo.h. Others are based on the objects being considered: JetContainer.h. We also have the jet calibration libraries that were added in a previous module.

// ATLAS EDM functionality                                                                                                       
#include "xAODRootAccess/Init.h"
#include "xAODRootAccess/TEvent.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "xAODJet/JetContainer.h"
// jet calibration                                                                                                               
#include "AsgTools/AnaToolHandle.h"
#include "JetCalibTools/IJetCalibrationTool.h"

We also have the libraries we had added as a submodule: JetSelectionHelper.h. In the next part of the lesson, we will worry about properly adding our new submodules.

// our library functionality                                                                                                     
#include "JetSelectionHelper/JetSelectionHelper.h"

Running over events

We first initialize the EDM as shown in the following code snippet. You will see the following pieces of code in AnalysisPayload/util/AnalysisPayload.cxx.


To be able to read events one by event, we first loop over all the events and we need to load the event.

 event.getEntry( i );

Object containers need to be retrieved from the event store. We create null pointer and fill all AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_BTagging201810 into our JetContainer.

 const xAOD::JetContainer* jets = nullptr;
 event.retrieve(jets, "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_BTagging201810");

In the cmake module, we added jet calibration so we then calibrate our jets.

  xAOD::Jet *calibratedjet;

We declare two type of jet vectors: jets_raw and jets_kin. The jets_raw vector contains all the jets in the DAOD while the jets_kin vector contains jets that pass the kinematic requirements we defined above.

The kinematic requirements defined in the JetSelectionHelper files are applied in the following lines of code:

 if( jet_selector.isJetGood(calibratedjet) ){

Declaring jet_selector

Check which line of your code declares the jet_selector.


JetSelectionHelper jet_selector;

Key Points

  • When you write an analysis framework, you want to split your code into different libraries

  • You can integrate different libraries to aid in object selection.